christophe chemin – jeder für sich und gott gegen alle

solo exhibition | large scale colour drawings
from friday, 12th sep 2008sunday, 12th oct 2008

Chemin’s drawings explore his many obsessions; most notably: blind boys, dead dogs, birds and the enigma of Kaspar Hauser. The drawings are influenced by Chemin’s personal experiences; childhood traumas, a stay in Verlaine’s apartment, strange encounters, corrupted dreams and ghostly apparitions. Chemin’s creative process is intuitive, each drawing inspires the next.

Chemin finds beauty in despair, feral youths set free from Plato’s cave stare glassy eyed from the paper like mystical oracles, equally enlightened and helpless.

His images, though often pornographic and melancholy, are at the same time uplifting and brimming with tenderness.

Chemin is a true polymath; he is a published novelist, photographer, theatre director, actor, and film maker. He has recently collaborated with Bruce la Bruce (Otto, Cheap Blacky), Keren Cytter (Les ruissellements du diable) and A A Bronson (School for Young Shamans).